
Apple iPhone

I have been refreshing the Engadget page covering Steve Job’s live keynote. You have got to see this. Apple is partnering with Google, Yahoo, and Singular (A.T.&T.) to present the most killer thing I have ever seen. TECHNOLUST! And I don’t even want a mobile phone. Specs & pictures here.


Don’t worry. Be Happy.

What are you optimistic about? Why? Are you getting bummed out reading about doom and gloom predictions? Edge asked 160 ‘thought leaders’ to share with us their answers to this years question, “What are you optimistic about? Why?” The 160 responses to this year’s Edge Question span topics such as string theory, intelligence, population growth,…

Align = “right”

I used the photo insert icon to input the URL of the previous post thumbnail image and selected align = right. I still need to figure how to enlarge the thumbnail. Resizing it by dragging a corner hook results in a blurred image. The image also needs some whitespace between it and the text (border?)


New theme uploaded

Day three: I was disappointed to find only two themes loaded in my dashboard. Uploading themes sounded like a simple task. Just download a theme and “upload the theme folder into your wp-content/themes directory”. HOW? I need to find FTP software and learn how to use it. I found one in my BlueHost cpanel. When…